Smoked fish on the beach or on board: Green Eggs with Smoked Trout


Green Eggs With Leftover Smoked Trout

Photography by Madison Mortimer | Recipe By Sarah Glover

Smoked trout – and cheese? Yes. This could be the most lux breakfast you could make on board or perhaps, as author Sarah Glover cooks it – on the beach. Once made from the milk of water buffalo, Bocconcini, small balls of mozzarella which originates from Naples is the perfect ingredient to accompany smoked trout and eggs.



olive oil
bunch of kale
400 g broccolini
green kale and avocado pesto 
(as much or as little as you like)
12 eggs
400 g bocconcini, torn
2 smoked trout, flaked

12 slices your favourite bread
olive oil
grated pecorino


Large cast-iron frying pan


Light your fire and let it burn down until you obtain a medium heat. I cooked this in a fire pit on the deck at Satellite Island – we had it for breakfast at our workshop. Drizzle some olive oil into a large frying pan and let it heat up. Tear the kale with your hands and roughly chop the broccolini, then add the pan and cook for a few minutes or until the kale is little crispy.

Add the pesto and stir it around. Clear a space in the pan, crack in the eggs and scatter over the torn bocconcini. Sprinkle the trout over the top and leave until the eggs are cooked and bocconcini is all melted and gooey.

Drizzle the bread slices with olive oil, season with salt and cook over the fire until nicely golden. Pile the green eggs and trout on the hot toast and serve right away, finished with a good grating of pecorino. Get the Wild Cookbook from Sarah Glover here.